International Direct Dialing
Standard Tariff
Country | Type | Country Code | Rate per Minute (PKR) |
Above mentioned rates are subject to applicable government taxes
China IDD Bundles
Bundles | Price + Tax | Subscribe |
Weekly | 250 | Dial 310 |
Monthly | 750 | Dial 310 |
Fair usage policy applies
Fair Usage Policy
- IDD Unlimited China Weekly Bundle 525 Minutes per Bundle
- IDD Unlimited Chine Monthly Bundle 2,250 Minutes per Bundle
China IDD Bundles
Bundles | Price + Tax | Subscribe |
Monthly | 750 | Dial 310 |
Fair usage policy applies
Fair Usage Policy
- IDD Unlimited China Weekly Bundle 525 Minutes per Bundle
- IDD Unlimited Chine Monthly Bundle 2,250 Minutes per Bundle
Batooni Flight Postpaid
Bundles offered | Price (PKR) | Minutes | Validity | Subscribe |
Daily | Rs. 10 + tax | 12 | 1 Day | Dial 310 |
Monthly 1 | Rs. 200 + tax | 250 | 30 Days | Dial 310 |
Monthly 2 | Rs. 500 + tax | 600 | 30 Days | Dial 310 |
Monthly 3 | Rs. 600 + tax | 800 | 30 Days | Dial 310 |
Monthly 4 | Rs. 1000 + tax | 1200 | 30 Days | Dial 310 |
Monthly 5 | Rs. 1200 + tax | 1800 | 30 Days | Dial 310 |
To subscribe, dial *138#
To unsubscribe, dial *139#
Terms & Conditions:
- Offer is valid for limited time only
- Subscription validity is recursive, once subscribed to a bundle the customer remains subscribed to bundle till the time he/she un-subscribes.
- Changing will be per minute basis; irrespective of package plan.
- For postpaid customers, the first subscription of monthly bundle shall be valid till end of current billing cycle. After current billing cycle, the validity of monthly bundles shall be till end of one month billing cycles.
- Free minutes valid for 24 hours a day.
- International SMS to all destination will be charged as per standard tariff.
- Un-utilized free minutes will not be carried forward after the expiry of the validity period.
- Premium numbers are not eligible for the discount.
- International Roaming subscribers (own & visiting) not eligible.
- Mentioned prices and rates are subject to applicable government taxes
Saudi Arabia Mobily Bundles Prepaid
Types of Bundle | Subscription Charges | Free Minutes | Validity | Subscribe |
Weekly Bundle Rs.100 Mobily | PKR 100 | 15 | 7 Days | dial *6966# |
Weekly Bundle Rs.250 Mobily | PKR 250 | 40 | 7 Days | dial *6966# |
Monthly Bundle Rs.500 Mobily | PKR 500 | 90 | 30 Days | dial *6966# |
Monthly Bundle Rs.1000 Mobily | PKR 1,000 | 200 | 30 Days | dial *6966# |
Terms & Conditions:
- Free minutes will be consumed ONLY on MOBILY network numbers of Saudi Arabia
- Mobily network numbers have following dial codes: +96654 and +96656
- Free minutes will not be consumed and customer will be charged at standard rates if the dialed number is of any other network than Mobily
- Customer will not be able to avail the same bundle within the validity period i.e. if customer has already subscribed Weekly 1 bundle he would not be able to subscribe to the Weekly 1 bundle again in validity period however other bundles (Weekly 2 or Monthly) can be activated
- Remaining free minutes will not be added if customer has activated another IDD voice bundle
- Outgoing calls to other countries, premium numbers and short codes will be charged from account balance
- After the consumption of free minutes standard charges will apply
- Multiple subscriptions are not recommended as remaining free minutes will not be added in the next availed bundle
Saudi Arabia Mobily Bundles Postpaid
Types of Bundle | Subscription Charges | Free Minutes | Validity | Subscribe |
Monthly Bundle Rs.500 Mobily | PKR 500 | 90 | 30 Days | dial *6966# |
Monthly Bundle Rs.1000 Mobily | PKR 1,000 | 200 | 30 Days | dial *6966# |
Terms & Conditions:
- Free minutes will be consumed ONLY on MOBILY network numbers of Saudi Arabia
- Mobily network numbers have following dial codes: +96654 and +96656
- Free minutes will not be consumed and customer will be charged at standard rates if the dialed number is of any other network than Mobily
- Customer will not be able to avail the same bundle within the validity period i.e. if customer has already subscribed Weekly 1 bundle he would not be able to subscribe to the Weekly 1 bundle again in validity period however other bundles (Weekly 2 or Monthly) can be activated
- Remaining free minutes will not be added if customer has activated another IDD voice bundle
- Outgoing calls to other countries, premium numbers and short codes will be charged from account balance
- After the consumption of free minutes standard charges will apply
- Multiple subscriptions are not recommended as remaining free minutes will not be added in the next availed bundle
Call Global Pay Local Offer
Destination | Landline Rate/minute | Mobile Rate/minute |
India | Rs. 2 | Rs. 2 |
Hong Kong | Rs. 2 | Rs. 2 |
UK | Rs. 1 | Rs. 2 |
Denmark | Rs. 1 | N/A |
France | Rs. 2 | N/A |
Germany | Rs. 1 | N/A |
Spain | Rs. 1 | N/A |
USA | Rs. 1 | Rs. 1 |
Canada | Rs. 1 | Rs. 1 |
Italy | Rs. 1 | N/A |
"To subscribe, dial *1111# and select Option 1
Type ""Sub"" and send the SMS to 1111"
To subscribe, dial *1111# and select Option 2
Terms & Conditions:
- Charging Pulse will be per minute
- One time activation charges of PKR 1 will be charged
- Rates are applicable for given destinations Landline and Mobile numbers except Premium numbers
- Once 'Call Global Pay Local' is subscribed, it will remain active until unsubscribed
- 'Call Global Pay Local' offer can be subscribed on top of other IDD promotions
- If a customer has free resources at the given destinations, free resources will be consumed first and then the customer will be charged at 'Call Global Pay Local' rates at the mentioned destinations
- Offer is valid for all customers except those on international roaming
- Mentioned prices and rates are subject to applicable government taxes
- This offer is not valid for Germany, France, Italy & Denmark Mobile Networks
Call Global Pay Local Postpaid
Destination | Landline Rate/minute | Mobile Rate/minute |
India | Rs. 2 | Rs. 2 |
Hong Kong | Rs. 2 | Rs. 2 |
UK | Rs. 1 | Rs. 2 |
Denmark | Rs. 1 | N/A |
France | Rs. 2 | N/A |
Germany | Rs. 1 | N/A |
Spain | Rs. 1 | N/A |
USA | Rs. 1 | Rs. 1 |
Canada | Rs. 1 | Rs. 1 |
Italy | Rs. 1 | N/A |
"To subscribe, dial *1111# and select Option 1
Type ""Sub"" and send the SMS to 1111"
To subscribe, dial *1111# and select Option 2
Terms & Conditions:
- Charging Pulse will be per minute
- One time activation charges of PKR 1 will be charged
- Rates are applicable for given destinations Landline and Mobile numbers except Premium numbers
- Once 'Call Global Pay Local' is subscribed, it will remain active until unsubscribed
- 'Call Global Pay Local' offer can be subscribed on top of other IDD promotions
- If a customer has free resources at the given destinations, free resources will be consumed first and then the customer will be charged at 'Call Global Pay Local' rates at the mentioned destinations
- Offer is valid for all customers except those on international roaming
- Mentioned prices and rates are subject to applicable government taxes
- This offer is not valid for Germany, France, Italy & Denmark Mobile Networks
Afghanistan Offer
Destination | Landline Rate/15 sec | Mobile Rate/15 sec |
Afghanistan | Rs. 7.5 +Tax | Rs. 7.5 +Tax |
Subscriptions Details :
For Subscription & Unsubscription dial *747#
Terms and Condition :
- Charging Pulse will be per 15 seconds
- The offer is auto-recursive on a daily basis. The customer will be subscribed to the package until he/she unsubscribes
- Subscription charges of PKR 3 + tax per day will be applicable
- If a customer has free resources at the given destinations, free resources will be consumed first and then the customer will be charged at default rate at the mentioned destinations
- Offer is valid for all customers except those on international roaming
Afghanistan Offer
Destination | Landline Rate/15 sec | Mobile Rate/15 sec |
Afghanistan | Rs. 7.5+tax | Rs. 7.5+tax |
To subscribe, dial *747#
SMS "Unsub" and send it to 7474
Terms & Conditions:
- Charging Pulse will be per 15 seconds
- The offer is auto-recursive on a daily basis. The customer will be subscribed to the package until he/she unsubscribes
- Subscription charges of PKR 3 + tax per day will be applicable
- If a customer has free resources at the given destinations, free resources will be consumed first and then the customer will be charged at Default rates at the mentioned destinations
- Offer is valid for all customers except those on international roaming
For further assistance, please contact the following:
Helpline: 111 222 111